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$25 Destination Bakery Gift Card
Destination Bakery is a quaint storefront bakery located in Glen Park. This business serves up delicious breakfast pastries, breads, sweets, and pies.
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Raffle Prizes
Grand Prize
Vermeil Flower Earrings from Claudia Kussano
$120 gift card to Foreign Cinema
Cooking Classes at La Cocina
Year subscription to Modern Times
Yoga Tree Passes
Pie and coffee from Mission Pies
$50 Canyon Market gift card
$25 gift card to Destination Bakery
Year's subscription to Mcsweeney's...
$50 gift card to bi-rite market
1/2 case of wine
Past Events
Sports basement fundraiser
Eat. Drink. Change Event
Give to SSE
We would love your support!
Partnering Businesses
Yoga Tree
Vino Con Brio Winery
Sports Basement
Regalito Rosticeria
Piqueo's Restaurant
Modern Times Bookstore
Mochica Restaurant
Mcsweeney's Publications
La Cocina
Foreign Cinema
destination baking company
Claudia Kussano
Canyon Market
Bi Rite Market
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