Week-long stay in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Secondary Prizes
11 class pass to Yoga Tree Studios.
2 Cooking classes to La Cocina.
One half-case of wine from Vino Con Brio.
$50 Bi-Rite Market Gift Card.
Year Subscription to McSweeney's, the Believer, and the Wholphin.
$120 Foreign Cinema Gift Card.
$25 Destination Bakery Gift Card.
$50 Canyon Market Gift Card.
4 slices of pie with coffee + 1 pie from Mission Pie.
Year Subscription to Modern Times Bookstore.
Vermeil Flower Earring from Claudia Kussano
11 class pass to Yoga Tree Studios.
One half-case of wine from Vino Con Brio.
$50 Bi-Rite Market Gift Card.
Year Subscription to McSweeney's, the Believer, and the Wholphin.
$120 Foreign Cinema Gift Card.
$25 Destination Bakery Gift Card.
$50 Canyon Market Gift Card.
4 slices of pie with coffee + 1 pie from Mission Pie.
Year Subscription to Modern Times Bookstore.
Vermeil Flower Earring from Claudia Kussano